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Language/Type: Java
Author: Stuart Reges (on 2016/11/14)

Write a static method called tallyVotes that takes a console Scanner as a parameter and that prompts the user for a series of votes, reporting and returning the percentage of yes votes. The user is prompted for a series of responses that are either "y" to indicate yes, "n" to indicate no, or "q" to indicate that the user wants to quit because there are no more votes to tally. You can assume that the user will always type one of these three responses as a lowercase letter. For example, below is a sample call on the method:

Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
double percentYes = tallyVotes(console);

This call would produce an interaction like the following (with the user typing "y", "n", or "q"):

vote? y
vote? y
vote? n
vote? y
vote? y
vote? y
vote? q
total votes = 6
result = 83.33333333333334%

Notice that the user is prompted for votes until they quit and then the method produces a line of output showing the total number of votes and a line of output showing the percent of yes votes. You do not need to round the percentage. The variable percentYes would be set to 83.33333333333334. You are to exactly reproduce the format of this log. You may assume that the user enters at least one vote before quitting.

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This is a method problem. Write a Java method as described. Do not write a complete program or class; just the method(s) above.

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