Write a static method named halfCaps
that accepts as its parameter a Scanner
holding a sequence of words and outputs to the console the same sequence of words with alternating casing (lowercase, uppercase, lowercase, uppercase, etc). The first word, third word, fifth word, and all other "odd" words should be in lowercase letters, whereas the second word, fourth word, sixth word, and all other "even" words should be in uppercase letters. For example, suppose the Scanner
contains the following words.
The QUick brown foX jumPED over the Sleepy student
For the purposes of this problem, we will use whitespace to separate words. You can assume that the sequence of words will not contain any numbers or punctuation and that each word will be separated by one space. For the input above, your method should produce the following output:
the QUICK brown FOX jumped OVER the SLEEPY student
Your output should separate each word by a single space. The output may end with a space if you like. Note that the Scanner
may contain no words or may contain an even or odd number of words.