Write a method called removeSorted that takes a set of Point objects as a parameter and that removes the points from the set whose x/y coordinates are in sorted order (points whose x-value is less than or equal to its y-value), returning a set of the removed Point objects. For example, if a set called points contains the following values:
[[x=6,y=3], [x=9,y=7], [x=1,y=3], [x=7,y=7], [x=3,y=2], [x=4,y=3],
[x=3,y=4], [x=-3,y=8], [x=108,y=15], [x=125,y=482], [x=1,y=42]]
then the call removeSorted(points) should leave the set storing:
[[x=6,y=3], [x=9,y=7], [x=3,y=2], [x=4,y=3], [x=108,y=15]]
and the set returned should store the following values:
[[x=1,y=3], [x=7,y=7], [x=3,y=4], [x=-3,y=8], [x=125,y=482],
The values in the returned set can appear in any order.
You may construct iterators and the set to be returned, but you are not allowed to construct other structured objects (no string, set, list, etc.).