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Language/Type: Java Strings
Author: Stuart Reges (on 2020/10/08)

Write a static method replaceAll that accepts three Strings original, pattern, and replacement, and replaces each substring of this string that matches the given pattern with the given replacement. You may not make use of the String's indexOf method.

        replaceAll("apple", "apple", "buffalo") returns "buffalo"
        replaceAll("apple", "pl", "fabulous max") returns "apfabulous maxe"
        replaceAll("appleppppp", "pp", "turtle") returns "aturtleleturtleturtlep"

You should take into account that calling charAt(int) on a String when the int is not an index of any particular character will cause an indexOutOfBoundsException.

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This is a method problem. Write a Java method as described. Do not write a complete program or class; just the method(s) above.

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